Page loading speed It is believed that if the page loading speed exceeds seconds then the user loses interest in it. Long page loading times can be due to a large number of errors on the site unoptimized images slow server response speed long time to first byte TTFB length of time it takes to process the page code and load content and the speed at which the page becomes visible. Page loading speed is an important ranking factor. It can be checked through Google PageSpeed Insights Web Page Test Lighthouse extension and others. Analysis of site loading
speed in Google PageSpeed Insight Analysis of site loading Asia Mobile Number List speed in Google PageSpeed Insight File robots.txt The robots.txt file contains a set of instructions that allow you to manage site indexing. It allows you to tell search engines which pages or files on your site can and cannot be indexed. This file must be the only one and placed in the root folder of the site. Robots.txt file syntax User-agent Disallow /private/ Allow /private/public.html Sitemap User-agent Defines the search engine robot to which the rules apply; path from being indexed; Allow Allows the specified path to be indexed; Sitemap Points to the location of the sitemap - the sitemap.xml file optional directive Site map An XML
sitemap sitemap file is a document that tells search engines about the pages available for indexing. It is stored in the root folder of the site and can only describe pages of the domain on which it is located. The sitemap.xml file should not contain the following pages With a server response code other than OK; Pages closed from indexing; Duplicate pages; Blank and non-informational pages. For large websites and online stores it is recommended to set up automatic updating of the site map since product data is constantly updated new ones are added old ones are deleted Server response code Server response code is a three-digit numeric combination that the server gives to the search engine when a user requests it.