To use Telegram, all you need is your username . This allows you, for example, to chat with other people without necessarily having to also share your phone number. Telegram also has the option to delete the account, a useful feature in the event of theft or to avoid the risk of data dispersion. It allows you to enlarge the text of the chats or the application itself, as well as changing the language settings.
Telegram allows you to save messages, images and files in the cloud by Liberia Email List forwarding them. There is no need to download images received in chats for them to be viewed. They are directly viewed remotely. messages and messages you are tagged or replied to, allowing you to go directly to these within the chat. This is particularly useful especially in crowded chats with dozens, if not hundreds, of new messages.
source: Telegram blog Still undecided? Telegram is characterized by an intense use of BOTs (including chatbots ), allowing the user experience to be further improved. Among the most useful bots we have, for example, Transcriber Bot , which automatically converts voice messages sent in a chat into text. Or Track Bot , which allows you to track national and international courier shipments, sending a notification every time there is an update to the shipment.