It is therefore an active behavior of the user, the presence or absence of an company in Google results is certainly experience with less annoyance than an unsolicite banner or advertisement. Indee, on the contrary, a brand present in the search results pages can act as a guide and support to the prospect who nees to find a solution. According to data release by Internet Live Stats, an average of thousand requests per second are processe on Google alone, around . billion every day. For companies this is an increible opportunity to be found by their potential customers, however it is not so easy to be positione in the first results.
The competition is fierce, the algorithms use by search engines change often and it is complex to keep up wedding photo editing service and adapt your pages. Let's start with some suggestions that will help you find the company website. How to get your company found on Google Step n° : creation of the company website To be discovere, you nee to give users something to find. If you don't have a site or haven't update it in a few years, it's time to take action. New Call-to-action The investment require for a new design of the company website is not particularly onerous, but it is essential to.
Take care of usability and the browsing experience more than graphics, meeting the nees of visitors and guiding them towards what they are looking for. Step n° : definition of buyer personas Starting from the consideration of who your best customers are, you can identify the characteristics that they have in common, thus creating an identikit of the ideal customers that you want to attract to the site and to the company. By “best” we can mean customers with the highest value contracts, those with the shortest purchasing cycle, or those who are easiest to work with.