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Text must first respond to the search intent of internet users. In fact, it is this goal that determines the length of the text. If an internet user wants to buy a product or learn the definition of a term, they don’t want to read 3000 words » Customer Stories Content Marketing ingedis 5. Is there an ideal item length? No, not really…250 useful words is better than 2500 useless words! Regardless, try to write more than 250 words per page, as that seems to be the minimum limit for Panda (the Google algorithm that evaluates content quality) to flag you.

Change the length of the item (long, medium, short). Also vary the type of Hungary Phone Number List treatment (tutorial, interview, business case, etc.) so as not to fatigue yourself or your readers. Finally, remember to regularly write long-form articles—that is, a complete and detailed article that covers a topic in depth. Tests have shown that 2,500-word articles rank better in Google results than 2,000-word articles. 6. Is there an ideal posting frequency? No, it’s not… It’s better to publish one excellent article per month that attracts organic traffic over time and is shared on social networks than to publish four crappy articles in the same period that no one is interested in. Committed to quality writing and regularity in publishing. One tip for determining the number of articles to write each month is to start with how often you want to send a recurring newsletter. If the template contains 4 messages and you send it once a month, you must write and publish 1 article per week. Remember, organic citations take time. So don’t unpublish your old articles! As long as your articles are online, they can generate long-term traffic.

If your article is outdated but has a good URL and generates traffic on a regular basis, it may be better to update the article text than to delete it entirely. , and Google will thank you for updating your content. 7. What should you do after publishing? Once the article is written and published, a new job begins, which includes generating traffic to the article and monitoring comments from Internet users. Web page editors become traffic managers and community managers. What can you do to generate traffic? Share the article on company social networks and/or your profile Pin the link in highly viral bookmarking sites (Pinterest, Scoop.it, Pearltrees, etc.) Send the link directly to an ambassador or influencer, request They forward it Share the link on other blogs, newsgroups or message boards Add the link to your next newsletter In this article, you will find tips on creating quality inbound links (backlinks) to your website.


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