She determines who should read your content (target group), what goals you want to achieve with your content marketing (goal definition), what your competitors are doing and how you stand out from them (competitor analysis), what you can answer as an expert (self-analysis), which topics and content formats are best suited (topic identification including keyword research) and how you bring the content to your target group (placement & distribution channels). Depending on the scope and circumstances, this can take several hours, days and even months .
Here are two fictitious examples: The content strategy of a small online shop for soaps Special Data could be satisfactorily developed in 2 days and cost a few thousand euros. A content strategy for tourism in Switzerland that takes all travel providers into account can take a whole year and require a budget of several million euros. If you skip the strategy in favor of putting the money and time straight into content production, you're saving in the wrong place ! After all, it's not about addressing as many users as possible, but rather the right ones. If the content does not reach either target group or goals, it is a waste of money.

High-quality content reaches your target group The greatest expenditure of time and money usually goes into content creation. It is not possible to give a general estimate of how expensive “a” piece of content is: it depends on the format, the goal and the research effort . A simple infographic or a short product text can be created in a few hours, an e-book or video can take several months and a multimedia campaign can even take several years. A good text for 100 euros – is that really possible? That depends entirely on whether the copywriter can still pay his rent or what the text is supposed to achieve.