Not just because of the format, but also because you can add additional information, such as the title of the article the image comes from. This means that users know what is behind the link and are encouraged to click. If you have a lot of information on your website, it is a good idea to prepare it as infographics - with a link to more information on your website. New and unique content also has a much better chance of spreading and reaching a large target group. 18,000 subscribers can't be wrong You don't want to miss any of our posts and stay up to date? Subscribe to our newsletter now and receive every new Seocracy article by email directly to your inbox! Subscribe now.
If you avoid mistakes number 4 and 5, you should put together wonderful boards that, on the India Car Owner Phone Number List one hand, provide your target group with added value, present your products in a new context, increase your reach and bring relevant traffic to your site. It's just stupid that Pinterest constantly shows you new, great things and somehow a board is never finished. Mistake 6: Adding individual finds to boards at will By chance you stumbled upon a DIY instruction for a crocheted unicorn and immediately pinned it. Unfortunately, it doesn't fit your board about DIY ideas with your products or your board with the most beautiful unicorn pictures. So you just pinned it on your board for DIY decoration ideas in rainbow colors - even though it has little to do with decoration and the unicorn - for once - doesn't throw up a rainbow.

Once mixed up, you've packed even more DIY instructions into the board and now it's hard to see a common thread. you click on the DIY instructions for crocheted unicorns, Pinterest will show you many more crochet instructions. Note individual finds in a secret board, then you can later decide where the pin fits, or whether you might create a completely new board. This way, you don't have to clean up X boards after a fit of "I have to pin all of this," but rather just redistribute the pins on one board. You should also create another secret board for ideas and inspiration for your company and your products.