ust by leveraging the singular term the advertiser can save $2.50 per click, or $250 per hundred visits to their site. Given that broad, modified broad, and exact close variant all allow for the singular/plural version of keywords, there’s no reason not to opt into the cheaper click. Keyword analysis begins with assessing consumer patterns and search trends, but by no means ends there.
These are our favorite three ways to enrich the keyword analysis process, what are IT Numbers yours? Navah Hopkins MEET THE AUTHOR Navah Hopkins Navah Hopkins is a Top 25 PPC Expert and international speaker who has been in the digital marketing industry since 2008. She specializes in paid media strategy and helping brands build relationships with profitable partners and customers. She’s a cofounding member of the Paid Search Association, a group dedicated to empowering the next generation of PPC practitioners, and she continues to give back by sharing lessons learned at conferences and local universities, and in blogs and webinars for SEJ, SEL, Semrush, and WordStream.

See other posts by Navah HopkinsIt’s never been more important to include paid social media as part of your digital marketing strategy. Between the completely ineffective reach of organic content on Facebook, the ridiculous potential exposure offered by Twitter, and the amount of time prospective customers spend on social media every week, if you’re not advertising on social, you’re seriously missing out! In today’s post, I’ll be counting down the top 10 paid social media hacks of all time, taken from my recent webinar with Hanapin Marketing’s Matt Umbro. Let’s get started! Paid Social Media Hack .