The author is Elad Elrom and it is a practical guide to designing, implementing, publishing, testing and securing blockchain-based projects. Blockchain The Industrial Revolution of the Internet is a book coordinated by Alex Preukschat and carried out with the collaboration of professionals such as Carlos Kuchkovsky, from BBVA, Gonzalo Gómez, from IECISA, Daniel Díez, from Everis and Iñigo Molero, from OroFinanzas. This book talks about how the appearance of the blockchain in has given rise to a new economic pattern based on the decentralization of trust, where we will all be able to exchange goods and services without the need for third parties.
The Book of Satoshi is a well-known work by Phil Champagne and collects the ID Number List writings and exchanges of opinions made by . In , Satoshi Nakamoto published his study and a few months later launched the Bitcoin network, the seed of an entire industry that today is known as blockchain. Cryptoassets is an innovative investor's guide to an entirely new asset class. The authors are Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar. With the rise of bitcoin and blockchain technology, investors have many more opportunities to invest online .

This guide from two industry experts shows how to master the world of blockchain and how to invest in these emerging assets to secure your financial future. Blockchain Revolution is a book by Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott. Father and son argue that blockchain will shape the next era of prosperity in finance , business, healthcare, education and governance, among others. VIDEO What is Blockchain and how will it change the world? Discharge Blockchain Blogs EthereumDev is a blog that informs you about everything you need to know to start developing in the world of Ethereum.