“Don’t be afraid to sound basic,” Kamal explained. If someone issearching for something basic that your company does, and you’re worriedbecause you’d rather they hire your services, don’t be. This is the perfectopportunity to tell them who you are and what you’re doing. “. Don’t worry about sounding very elementary. There’s a place onthe SERP for every kind of question.” So, start
answering questions. That’s what most of your long-form content shoulddo. 5. They Chinese Thailand Phone Number List used their long-form content well. All those extra words were usedto discuss related questions and give highly detailed answers. (You may not geta rich snippet, but you could get a People Also Ask (PAA) snippet.) Answerevery question you can think of related to the topic. This sounds like anoutstanding approach to content to me, and I’m
excited to take these insights on board. 3. Emotional intelligenceis the key to successful marketing co-creating spaces with customers Maintakeaways: • All decision-making is emotional and based on trust. • Trustand distrust are incompatible biological conditions. You cannotboth trust and distrust, and moving from distrust to trust is difficult. •Inviting customers to “co-create spaces” rather than trying to sell somethingto them is