Very useful if we have the idea of designing the journey map of a product or service that does not yet exist, to get an idea of how it works in the competition. In this sense, although usability tests are used more to explore the usability problems of our product, they can also be used here to know the thoughts, emotions and motivations and other relevant points of other competing websites or apps, and so on. have some basic information that allows us to reorient our Journey Map.How to convince your team that you need UX research March , Est. Reading: minutes photo of team member working with postits The first step to convincing your team and your boss that you need to do UX research is to do a little research yourself. Don't worry, you won't have to do anything complicated.
Your first task will be to discover why they are not receptive to doing it. In this way, you will get all the information you will need to carry out the persuasion techniques that we propose below. UX research sounds expensive Although most experts in the field consider that testing with or users provides good results, there is still the myth that usability tests are expensive. Asking stakeholders about how they make decisions can Brazil Mobile Number List also provide clues as to whether they need research. Decisions made without research often involve greater risks. You can tell them about the financial risks that may arise from making decisions based on intuition or without evidence. If you show them examples of how UX can increase ROI, they will surely listen to you with more interest. Don't complicate it, make it easy As Christine Perfetti says, Usability tests are not rocket science .
Research may sound complicated, but it doesn't need to be to work. It is good that you remind your team that it is not and that you can start with small steps. Starting simply by showing your team its direct benefits will make them row with you on the research boat. If you start in the initial phases when the prototype is still on paper, it will be easier for your team to feel involved. This will help prevent unwanted changes just before testing and will give them a greater feeling of belonging to the project. Align with the mindset of all parties As a researcher, it is very important that you are able to put yourself in the shoes of others. Likewise, if you want your team or boss to understand the importance of research, you should know how they think. Do they have an analytical and numerical mentality? Do they make decisions emotionally or logically? At what times are you usually most open to hearing new ideas? Keep all these details in mind to prepare the best time to make them a proposal.