Additionally, in the process of digital transformation (DX), which is an initiative to create new value using digital technology, market validation is required through agile development rather than waterfall development. Main methods of agile development "Agile development" is a big concept, and there are many different methods. Let's take a look at the typical agile development methods here. Method 1. Scrum "Scrum" is an agile development framework defined by the Scrum Guide . When you hear the word scrum, many people think of rugby, but the word comes from the rugby scrum (a type of set piece).
We form a team, clarify roles and tasks, and conduct development while communicating. as development is carried out by the entire team. Since all team members work on development after being aware of their roles and what they should do, various Special Data tasks can be carried out at the same time, which can also be expected to improve work efficiency. On the other hand, if there is a lack of communication, development may not proceed smoothly.
In any case, it can be said that it is an agile development method that puts "communication first." Introduction to Scrum development! Deliver high-value products quickly and agilely! |Web production company/homepage production company in Tokyo|GIG Co., Ltd. "Scrum development" is a development method adopted by GIG. This time, Shoko of the Digital Consulting Division will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of "Scrum development" that is adopted at GIG. giginc.co.jp og_img Method 2. Extreme Programming (XP) "Extreme Programming" is a method of dividing the entire project into small phases and shortening the development cycle of each phase, assuming that the project specifications will change to some extent during the course of the project.